
Pick me up for shitty Mondays..

I've kinda been on a car kick as of late. Maybe because they exhibit pure beauty, especially Italian breeds. And the sneaker game is at an all time low. That and soccer season is a couple weeks out, and who wants to post about the MLS? Enjoy. PS. If you could whip this car around in reverse like in the beginning, you get pussy for eternity. Let me reiterate. E-T-E-R-N-I-T-Y.


LiveForPool said...

can't see anything

Lowell Barry said...

You can't see the Vimeo?

slickrdick said...

between this and the Nike futbol directors cut, my life would be complete. sounds terrible but its true.

Lowell Barry said...

Amen to you Rick. That's Bone misses you.